Transformative Addiction Treatment for Lasting Recovery

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addiction treatment portsmouth ohio

At Moving Forward Residential, we understand that the journey to recovery from addiction is unique for each individual. Our innovative treatment program consisting of Residential, Outpatient and Recovery Housing was designed from the ground up. We offer a safe haven, provide compassionate care and evidence-based therapies to guide our clients toward lasting sobriety. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals, we offer a holistic approach by addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction. Our serene environment fosters healing and growth, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives, rebuild relationships, and embrace a future free from the grips of substance dependency. We are committed to walking alongside our clients every step of the way by offering support, guidance and the tools needed to achieve sustainable recovery and a renewed sense of hope.

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mindfulness drug rehab


Addiction Treatment Center Portsmouth, OH
Addiction Treatment Center Portsmouth, OH

ASAM Level 3

ASAM Level 2-1

Our Residential Treatment programs provide a comprehensive and structured environment that supports individuals in overcoming addiction, addressing underlying issues, and equipping them with the skills needed to sustain recovery in the long term.

Recovery Housing Sober Living
Recovery Housing Sober Living

Our Recovery Housing provides supportive and safe living environments designed to assist individuals in transitioning from addiction or mental health challenges towards stability and wellness. Residences are provided a structured, substance-free setting where individuals can focus on their recovery journey.

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addiction treatment near portsmouth oh

Our combination of Outpatient services and Recovery Housing ensures ongoing access to counseling, support groups, and essential resources, promoting sustained sobriety and helping individuals develop life skills crucial for long-term recovery and successful reintegration into society.

Recovery - Sober Living Application

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addiction treatment near portsmouth oh
addiction treatment near portsmouth oh