Moving Forward Recovery Housing

Moving Forward sober living House
Moving Forward sober living House

New - Built from the ground up!

Our Recovery Housing provides supportive and safe living environments designed to assist individuals in transitioning from addiction or mental health challenges towards stability and wellness. All residents are provided a structured, substance-free setting where individuals can focus on their recovery journey.

Sober living recovery house Portsmouth Ohio
Sober living recovery house Portsmouth Ohio
Addicttion Treatment Treatment Gym
Addicttion Treatment Treatment Gym

Key features include:

  • Supportive Environment: A supportive community that fosters a sense of belonging and understanding among residents, promoting mutual encouragement and accountability.

  • Structured Programs: Our recovery housing incorporates structured programs and guidelines that encourage residents to adhere to sobriety, attend counseling or therapy sessions, and engage in activities that promote wellness.

  • Peer Support: We offer an environment where residents can share experiences, struggles, successes and provide each other with empathy and encouragement.

  • Access to Resources: We connect residents with resources such as counseling, vocational training, educational opportunities, and other services essential for successful recovery.

  • Safe and Sober Environment: Our policies and regulations are in place to maintain a substance-free living space, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for residents on their path to recovery.

Recovery - Sober Living Application